Continuing our introduction to our current committee members please meet our Immediate Past President – Adrian Moore!! Adrian was introduced to Toastmasters in 2010 by one of the delegates on an IT course he was delivering and hasn’t looked back since!
“At some point, the conversation turned to breathing and using your abdominal muscles to project your voice. I don’t know how we ended up on that topic as this was an IT course! Anyway, the delegate spoke to me afterwards. He said he was part of a public speaking organisation. He invited me to come along for a visit. I won the Best Table Topics Award at my first visit. I visited again and found every meeting inspirational. I was invested in the journeys of every member I met. Eventually, I decided to join.
I always thought of myself as a capable speaker, but the club, and Toastmasters in general helped me find opportunities to improve both my leadership and my communication skills. For example, in my early speeches, my evaluators suggested ways in which I could make better use of the presentation space. Other evaluators suggested ways in which I could make better use of my voice.
As happens with every Toastmasters Club, leadership opportunities came. I’ve served as Vice President Membership, Vice President Education and President and enjoyed every post. I’ve also served as H35 Area Director. These are growth opportunities – working with others to grow and enjoy success. As I stand down from my second term as President, I look forward to another year of success with my club in my role as Immediate Past President.”
Adrian brings an invaluable amount of experience and guidance to the committee and is ensuring the 2023-2024 committee continue to steer the club in the correct direction of further growth and improvement. Despite being such an experienced Toastmaster, Adrian continues to inspire his fellow club members by continuing his own personal development through progressing through more Educational Pathways and recently represented the club in the Humorous Speaking and Table Topics Contests up to Area Level! We are extremely fortunate to have Adrian’s expertise in the committee and club as a whole and thank him for his continued service to Speakers of Croydon!
#speakersofcroydon #Toastmasters #publicspeaking #leadership #confidence #personaldevelopment #selfimprovement #teamwork #croydon #london #contest #education #tabletopics #growth #speechcraft #debating #president #immediatepastpresident
Julian Munroe, Vice President Public Relations