President 2024-2025

Why did I join Toastmasters?

I was asked to be Best Man at my friend’s wedding so I was keen to get practice public speaking beforehand as it was definitely not something I was confident in. I attended a Speakers of Croydon (SoC) meeting as a guest and as soon as it was over I knew immediately that Toastmasters International and specially SoC was the place for me and I joined up shortly afterwards.

As a member I got plenty of practice in public speaking but so much more than expected – for someone who is naturally an introvert I found Speakers of Croydon to be an environment where I was comfortable to be more expressive and vocal. My confidence in public speaking progressed massively, but what’s been more of a surprising benefit is just how much the skills I have developed here have transferred into my professional life. My confidence in communicating to clients and colleagues has shocked me and I am so much more comfortable than I was before in putting myself forward for opportunities.

The possibilities for growth and development in Toastmasters are endless – it’s a bit cliched but you really do get out of it what you put in. I was elected as Vice President of Public Relations last year and learned so much during my time in that role and I’m keen to take it to the next level now that I’ve been elected President. SoC is a special place with special people, it really is a community where everyone is positive and genuinely wanting everyone else to succeed. As a club we have a rich history of achievement and some incredible former club presidents so I know I have big shoes to fill but I’m more than ready for the challenge! I will be responsible for the overall operation of the club and to ensure that we continue performing at an exceptional level.

#VPPR #speakersofcroydon #Toastmasters #publicspeaking #leadership #confidence #personaldevelopment #selfimprovement #teamwork #croydon #london #growth #socialmedia #publicrelations #committee #election #businessdevelopment #networking

Ruban Segaran, Vice President Public Relations