VPE 2023-2024

Continuing our introductions to the Speakers of Croydon’s committee for the 2023-2024 term – please meet the club’s Vice President of Education (“VPE”) Lola Idris.

Lola first attended some Toastmasters meetings as a guest at different clubs in 2017 and 2019 but it wasn’t until June 2022 when she visited the Speakers of Croydon as a guest that she felt comfortable in taking that definitive step!

In Lola’s own words
“I wanted to join to tackle the fear and anxiety I had whenever I needed to present a speech and speak publicly, whether that was at work, at a party, at a wedding etc. After having to deliver a presentation at work in May 2022 which bought all my fears back to the surface, I finally decided to join Toastmasters as a member once and for all in June 2022 to overcome my fear.”

Since joining Lola has not looked back and has taken every opportunity that has come her way not only in delivering numerous prepared speeches and evaluations but also successfully organising and facilitating the Club’s Speech Contest earlier this year! Lola stepped up last year to join the Club’s committee and took on the duties of the Club Secretary during the second half of the 2022-2023 term. Lola then went one step further and was elected to the VPE role for the 2023-2024 term!

In her role as VPE Lola will be responsible for ensuring the Club’s members get the most out of their Toastmasters experience by overseeing their Pathways education journey as well as being pivotal in organising the Club’s fortnightly meetings. We have no doubt that the Club and its members will be supported in a year of progress and achievement under Lola’s guidance. Welcome Lola!

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Julian Munroe, Vice President Public Relations